How to Create Goals that Cultivate Balance

Nov 05, 2019

Assess the Present Start by analyzing each of the five areas we’ve mentioned: yourself, your people, your heart, your resources, and your career. If you have to give yourself a grade, how would you score in each? 

Brainstorm Balance Now that you know which area of your life needs a little more “balance”. If you know your budget is solid but your self-care needs work, what would it look like to bring your self-care back into balance with the rest of your life? What would...

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All you need to know about "Sound baths" The Ancient Wellness Practice

Sep 23, 2019

What is a Sound Bath?

Sound Baths are an ancient form of deep meditation that includes various ambient sounds played by an instructor. The instructor uses a variety of different traditional crystal bowls, gemstone bowls, cymbals, and gongs during a sound bath to create repetitive sounds.

These sounds are notes at different frequencies that help enhance and guide you through your whole meditative experience.


The sounds created by the...

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5 benefits of meditating in the morning.

Sep 16, 2019

Good morning Toronto!

There’s nothing better than early morning meditation! ‍ Using 5-10 min to disconnect from your agenda in the morning can definitely change your life! Below you can find 5 benefits of meditating in the morning.

1 • You can stop relying on caffeine, early meditation will give you an energy boost without the need for coffee.

2 • Reduces feelings of depression, anxiety, anger, and confusion.

3 • Reduces pain and enhances the body’s immune...

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