Coming Soon: 8 steps to wellness online retreat program.

May 28, 2020

The unpredictable nature of COVID-19 has left many of us scrambling to adapt to a new way of life. Social distancing and adjusting our lives safely around the pandemic can be stressful, leaving us feeling anxious and no longer in control. 


Without the ability to get away for a relaxing vacation or rejuvenating retreat, Optimal Living Summit has created the perfect online staycation for you during this time of non-essential travel. Our Optimal Living Team has found an exciting...

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Practicing Patience During a Pandemic

May 21, 2020

After many weeks of social distancing and isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the reopening of society is a hopeful and optimistic prospect. But for some, it may also be a bit overwhelming. Adjusting to a new normal during the peak of the pandemic meant creating a structure to maintain your wellbeing, where you formed new habits around how you spend your time. 


During this uncertain time, the OLS blog has been here to support you. We covered topics ranging from how to create...

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5 Ways to Support Your Employees’ Mental Health During Quarantine

Apr 25, 2020



Leaders and their HR teams have a lot to manage during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 has left employees around the world scrambling to adapt to a new way of life. Social distancing and adjusting to remote work can be stressful and navigating these changes has left many employees feeling anxious, depressed and uneasy about what could happen next.


As a decision-maker, now is the perfect time to demonstrate your commitment to your team’s overall wellness and mental...

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Organize, Maximize, and Energize: Taking Advantage of The Space We Live In.

Apr 18, 2020

With many of us spending the majority of our time at home during the COVID-19 outbreak, now is the perfect time to organize, maximize, and energize the spaces we live in! 

 Many of us have been looking for more structure since social isolation began. Organizing your living space is a great way to build structure and routine into your daily schedule without having to step outside. When we organize and clean, we are moving and our bodies and keeping our minds active.

 While we...

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Creating healthy habits during COVID-19

Mar 24, 2020

The second week of the COVID-19 pandemic has arrived in Canada. As we adjust to life during these uncertain times, it’s natural to have difficulty maintaining healthy habits. Many people, including myself, are having trouble sleeping, managing their stress and eating right - not to mention coping with the loneliness that often comes with self-isolations and social distancing.

This week on the OLS blog we take a closer look at how you can create and maintain healthy habits during...

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How to Improve Your Immune System and Cope With COVID-19

Mar 17, 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, many people are feeling anxious and uncertain. Check your social media or turn on the news and you’ll see panic-buying at the supermarket and people wearing face masks when they have no symptoms.

All this tension might leave you feeling a little powerless, but there are a few things you can do to help strengthen your immune system and help protect yourself and your loved ones during this time.

  1. Get more sleep

The body’s immune...

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Is your job hurting your health?

Feb 28, 2020

Do you feel more like a zombie after a day at work than a superhero? Feeling exhausted, unmotivated and in physical pain, each day from your job?  That can lead to some pretty serious consequences for both your mental and physical health.

Let’s take a closer look at the top 3 ways your job could be hurting your health and what you can do it fix it.

1)The issue: Too much Stress 

Avoiding stress at the workplace and throughout the day can be difficult. Nearly one-third...

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How to have a healthy relationship in 2020

Feb 09, 2020

February is the month of love. As the temperatures drop outside, and with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, things are heating up inside. In the spirit of self-love and making 2020 the best year possible, let’s take a look at five dating resolutions that will make this year’s relationships the healthiest yet:

 1) Quit Ghosting  

Chances are there’s been some level of “ghosting” in your love life. “Ghosting” happens when...

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Mental Health Benefits of Journaling

Jan 18, 2020

Journaling can be a powerful tool for the human mind, it gives us a chance to express and process events. Journaling can also help us gain new perspectives and improve our problem solving ability.

Here are the top 8 reasons why you should be starting a journal today:

1) It improves memory : Writing things down helps us remember them. When we journal about new understanding and epiphanies, they are more likely to stick to the future. Not only journaling boosts memory and comprehension.


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Dec 13, 2019


Drink water, being conscious of what you eat and staying active are some of the things you should not neglect during the holidays.

¿ What are we supposed to do to avoid gaining weight and still enjoy our December traditions? 

In between, gatherings, festive dinners, our caloric intake increases and the time we take for ourselves decreases as well as our physical activity. This is the main reason why it's so easy to gain weight in a short period of time.

That's why we will...

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