Hello January! We're ready for you! by Michael Challenger

Jan 05, 2022

January is here again, folks, and we’re ready!

As the world continues to face challenges and the daily news keeps us on our toes, our team at optimal stay sensitive to these issues and work steadily to come up with powerful discussions and experiences that keep you empowered and focused.

For the most part - people are doing their very best to follow protocol and doing whatever it takes to get their lives back in order.

Unfortunately, we all secretly know that “normal”...

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Celebrating Men's Health in November

Nov 07, 2021

It's November and we are focusing on Men’s health lifestyle and awareness. The average man pays less attention to his health than the average woman. Men are assailed by the diseases that can affect anyone such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, depression and above all, they also have unique issues such as prostate cancer and benign prostate enlargement.

Many of the major health risks that men face can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle:

1) Regular exercise
2) Healthy diet

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You Deserve It: A Look at Financial Wellness

Aug 16, 2021

During the month of August, we at Optimal Living Summit are focusing on financial wellness. Financial wellness is often connected to other areas of wellness, but do you know how?

Let start by understanding what financial wellness is. Financial wellness is essentially your overall satisfaction with your financial situation. Whether it be your current situation or your planning for the future, money can be stressful for many people. It is usually a primary worry for people when it comes to all...

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A Deeper Sense of Self: A Look at Spiritual & Emotional Wellness

Jul 08, 2021

Over the last (almost) year and a half, people have started to pay more attention to their spirituality and emotional wellbeing. There has been a significant focus on mental health, self-care, and wellbeing.  But what does spirituality mean? And how does that affect our emotional and mental health?

Spiritual wellness is about realizing that there is something greater than yourself and having a sense of morals, values, principles and beliefs that guide you and provide you with a purpose...

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Taking Pride in Emotional Intelligence

Jun 17, 2021
We want to take this month to work on our emotional wellness. So many things can affect your emotional wellness including sleep and stress, but we want to focus on the relationships and communication with yourself and with others. 
Emotional wellness is to be one with your feelings in a way that is curious, respectful, non-judgemental and accepting. We look around the world and hear so many disheartening things happening. Hatred towards one another, murder, abuse, hateful words....
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5 Small Physical Changes to Make, for a More Optimal Life! 

May 17, 2021

There is no doubt that our physical wellness directly affects our mental state. When you're physically unwell, you're often feeling mentally exhausted, anxious or unhappy. When you're physically active, it has been scientifically proven to increase your "happy hormones" and make you feel happier, prouder and lowers anxiety and depression. But where can we make small, tangible changes to increase our physical wellness?

 The Optimal Living Summit team has put together five small...

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What is Wellness?

Apr 20, 2021

We are so excited to be launching our Online Wellness Programs THIS WEEK to help people build and maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle! These programs are tools, a new way of looking at your life and evaluating and re-evaluating all aspects of your wellness.

One of the programs we are excited to launch is our 8 Steps to Wellness Online Retreat. This program has been created to guide people towards a healthy lifestyle. This program will help you find balance in all areas of your well-being.


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Your Journey to Wellness with Optimal Living Summit

Apr 12, 2021

Balance is something many of us often don’t consider on a day-to-day basis. Now more than ever, it’s so important to consistently check in with ourselves and achieve that much-needed wellness. But what exactly is the balance?

Balance is the overall current state of your mind and body and learning how to live a life with joy, fulfillment, and optimal health experience. We have to start looking at ourselves on a deeper level for us to make these changes within ourselves. Balance...

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Female Empowerment & Leadership Workshop-Leaning into your Fierce

Mar 18, 2021

“Whatever you fear most has no power, it is your fear that has the power” – Oprah Winfrey.

As we continue to celebrate women this month and the impact they have in our world, we feel inspired and empowered to do the same. Women are capable of doing anything and we see those achievements more and more every day.

Most recently, we watched Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd become the world’s youngest self-made female billionaire. She created a vision and a voice that is...

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Celebrating woman in the month of March!

Mar 10, 2021


International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on the 8th of March. It is a day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of the women in our lives and those around the world. The month of March is about women, female empowerment, and gender diversity.  Females are breaking barriers, building relationships, and more young women see a future filled with opportunities and possibilities. 

When we hear the words “female...

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