Secret Benefits of Papaya

Dec 09, 2019

Papaya is very rich in Vitamin C and has a wide range of health benefits making it a great fruit to include in your day to day life. Here are some of the top health benefits of papaya.

1. Lowers cholesterol

Papaya is rich in fiber, Vitamin C and antioxidants which prevent cholesterol build up in your arteries. Too much cholesterol build-up can lead to several heart diseases including heart attack and hypertension.

2. Helps in weight loss

Those looking to lose weight must include papaya in...

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How to make a Smoothie Bowl

Nov 08, 2019

Welcome to the optimal healthy workshops today we have how to make a smoothie bowl

Main Ingredients:

  • blueberries & bananas
  • spinach, peanut butter, milk
  • oats, cinnamon, shredded coconut 
  • almond milk & honey A blender of your choice.


STEP 1: dice all your ingredients, add fruits and veggies

STEP 2 add cinnamon & honey of your choice to the blender cup

STEP 3 blend it all in !

STEP 4 pour the smoothie mix in the bowl

STEP 5 add any desired toppings & enjoy...

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How to Create Goals that Cultivate Balance

Nov 05, 2019

Assess the Present Start by analyzing each of the five areas we’ve mentioned: yourself, your people, your heart, your resources, and your career. If you have to give yourself a grade, how would you score in each? 

Brainstorm Balance Now that you know which area of your life needs a little more “balance”. If you know your budget is solid but your self-care needs work, what would it look like to bring your self-care back into balance with the rest of your life? What would...

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What is Wellness?

Nov 04, 2019

Wellness is being in good physical and mental health.
Because mental health and physical health are linked, problems in one area can impact the other. At the same time, improving your physical health can also benefit your mental health and vice versa.

It is important to make healthy choices for both your physical and mental well-being.

What Are the Eight Dimensions of Wellness?

1) Emotional: Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships.

 2) Financial: Satisfaction...

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Don´t miss the amazing opportunity to lean about Work Psychology with the Talented Kim Pereira !!

Oct 18, 2019
Don´t miss the great opportunity to learn about work psychology at our upcoming workshop with the talented Kimberly Pereira!
Her workshop will be taking place at the Bloor Islington place Centre Tower, 2nd floor Conference Room.
Date: October 21, 2019 - Time: 12:15pm - 1:00pm
She will be talking about how to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to learn more click here and Muse headband that connects to your mobile device through...
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How to get rid of self-limiting beliefs

Oct 17, 2019

 What is a limiting belief?

A limiting belief is one that causes life to be less than completely satisfying.

The first thing  we need to do is to identify the limiting beliefs we have.

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Emotional Freedom Technique

Oct 16, 2019

Good morning beautiful people !!! We want to start your day by talking about EFT l (Emotional Freedom Technique) This is an easy exercise you can use anytime you feel anxious or when you find yourself having self-limiting beliefs. It involves tapping near the endpoints of “energy meridians” located around the body to reduce anxiety, tension and stress Later today we will be sharing some tapping routines you can implement anytime !!



#efttapping #eft #tapping #ols ...

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Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar  🍎

Oct 16, 2019

•It helps weight management by suppressing appetite.  

•Balances pH in the body. 

•Prevents flu & stomach illness

•Conditions and strengths hair. 

•Helps relieve heartburn, nausea and acid reflux -Helps lower glucose levels
•Lowers blood pressure -Reduces inflammation, relieves arthritis & Gout. 

•Contains probiotics which are “good” gut bacteria. .

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All you need to know about "Sound baths" The Ancient Wellness Practice

Sep 23, 2019

What is a Sound Bath?

Sound Baths are an ancient form of deep meditation that includes various ambient sounds played by an instructor. The instructor uses a variety of different traditional crystal bowls, gemstone bowls, cymbals, and gongs during a sound bath to create repetitive sounds.

These sounds are notes at different frequencies that help enhance and guide you through your whole meditative experience.


The sounds created by the...

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5 benefits of meditating in the morning.

Sep 16, 2019

Good morning Toronto!

There’s nothing better than early morning meditation! ‍ Using 5-10 min to disconnect from your agenda in the morning can definitely change your life! Below you can find 5 benefits of meditating in the morning.

1 • You can stop relying on caffeine, early meditation will give you an energy boost without the need for coffee.

2 • Reduces feelings of depression, anxiety, anger, and confusion.

3 • Reduces pain and enhances the body’s immune...

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